
Wired [223/365]

I have a dresser in my office that’s full of my photography and gadget-related stuff. One drawer is dedicated mostly to cables, and these are the contents of that drawer. I don’t really remember actually going out and getting any of those cables - with the exception of that active extension USB cable, that is.

Not pictured is the 30’ FlashZebra sync cable that’s attached to my camera and the speedlite that I’m lighting this shot with.

When an Upgrade is Actually a Downgrade

Canon 7D with Holga HL-C AdapterI just got myself a Digital Holga Starter kit for my 7D, turning my rather expensive DSLR into the equivalent of a plastic-lensed Russian Chinese toy camera. There’s no way of overstating this: this lens is really cheap. It feels cheap, it’s 60mm focal length is brutally unforgiving, the aperture just is what it is (roughly equivalent to f/8), and it demands that you crank your ISO way beyond what your good sense tells you you should be using. But it’s really fun, and definitely makes one appreciate the niceties of autofocus and the like, and getting a good result (whether by happy accident or otherwise) makes it all worth it.

Drawing kit, shot with HL-C Macro lens adapter

I got the close-up/macro lens kit. The “lenses” in the kit range in focal length from 500mm to 30mm, and are even tougher to focus with than the base lens by itself (particularly that 30mm), but again, the results can be quite beautiful. The restrictiveness of the lens definitely makes me slow down and think more about what I’m about to shoot. This is definitely a bit of an adjustment for me, given that I’ve been spoiled with the instant gratification of a purely digital background.

So, is it really a downgrade? Well, technically, I suppose it is, due to its inferior quality and what not. But all in all, it’s definitely a worthy investment at around $50.

Nostalgia Video of the Day: Max Fleischer's Small Fry

On some one of his many trips abroad, my dad picked us up a VHS compilation called Cartoon Classics of the 1930s (at least, I think that was what it was called). It included a number of cartoons, including this one, and maybe one with Felix the Cat.

Anyway, a fragment of the song kept popping into my head, because one of the fish in our aquarium just gave birth (they're live-bearers) and my wife keeps referring to the "fry", which I don't think I ever realized was the term for baby fish.


Tanqueray Martini in the making


Continuing my boozy series of still-lifes, here are some of the essentials for making what many consider to be the classic martini. Some of the things I’ve learned over the last few days of shooting these still-lifes:
  • Your glasses and bottles are never as clean as you think they are
  • Reflections are a pain in the butt
  • Consuming the product while shooting it introduces complications


I'm Gellin'

Yeah, I hate that ad campaign as much as you probably do, but I really am gellin’ - in that I’m starting to see the versatility and importance of using them in my flash photography.

Check out this shot of a bottle of Captain Morgan’s 100-Proof Spiced rum:

There’s one speedlite in a softbox, camera-left, and another directly behind the bottle, with a Honl Speed Gobo strapped to it. I like it. When I look at it, I can almost feel the burn of that delicious golden liquid as it warms my insides.

Now check out this shot I made, after adding a red gel (what Sensei McNally calls the theatrical gels) to the speedlite that was behind the bottle.

Dramatic, huh? It’s a small thing, but it’s really starting to open my eyes to the importance of using gels, or at least the creative possibilities that they make available to me. I’m still wrapping my head around the concept of using gels to correct mixed lighting situations (I’m still in the “I shoot RAW, so I’ll just fix it in Aperture” mindset). But I’m determined to get more comfortable - after all it’s yet another tool to have ready at the arsenal.

Bonus: Here’s another shot of the same bottle when I pulled the camera off the tripod and went handheld (which is more in my comfort zone).

PS Quick Tips: Spring-Loaded Tools, Bird's Eye View and More

Photoshop Tips: Spring-loaded Tools, Bird’s Eye View and Interactive Brush Sizing from Simon Abrams on Vimeo.

It’s been forever, but I finally decided to demo and upload some more Photoshop tips. In this video, I cover Spring-Loaded tools, Bird’s Eye View, and a couple of other quick tips that were introduced back in Photoshop CS4, but that may have slipped under the radar.